Xperience – Art meets technology

The enjoyment of cultural heritage has changed thanks to technological innovation and digitization, which fill the gap between visitors and cultural institutions: from the conception of the “relic museum,” intended for a select few, to collections that open up to members of a physical and virtual community.

This was the central theme of COTEC’s next event “Xperience – Technology meets Art,” which Marco Cappellini had the pleasure of participating in as a speaker, directly from the beautiful rooms of the National Roman Museum, Palazzo Massimo alle Terme in Rome.

The results of the COTEC research “Innovation and Culture,” conducted in collaboration with the CNR Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences, were also presented during the event.

Also participating along with Marco were: Andrea Carini (Head of the Pinacoteca di Brera Restoration Laboratory), Francesco Cochetti (Head of the Research and Innovation Office CoopCulture), Sonia D’Arcangelo (Head of the Neuroscience Lab Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center), Rossella Dituri (Head of the Communication Service Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata), Lucia Nardi (Head of Corporate Culture Eni), Eva Pietroni (Researcher DHiLab – Digital Heritage Innovation Lab ISPC-CNR), Rosanna Romano (Head of the General Directorate for Cultural Policies and Tourism Regione Campania), Angela Tecce (Director Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Donnaregina – Museo Madre), Fabio Viola (Founder of TuoMuseo and Curator Reggia di Venaria).

The Conclusions were by Giampaolo D’Andrea (Advisor for Institutional and Trade Union Relations to the Minister of Culture).

Filling the gap between “user” and cultural institutions has always been one of our goals, but today we are even more certain of how important it is to anticipate the challenges of the future in order to change it for the better.

With our projects we strive to bridge the distance between two worlds only seemingly so far apart, opening opportunities for dialogue between cultural institutions and members of physical and virtual communities.

Tags :
art, ArtCentrica, cotec, digital innovation, technology
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