Centrica and ArtCentrica for Casa Buonarroti

We are pleased to share the digitization project of 20 drawings by Michelangelo Buonarroti that we developed with Centrica for Casa Buonarroti in Florence.

The techniques range from sketches executed in graphite or ink to actual figures modelled through modulated and refined chiaroscuro. Next to the study of the famous Giudizio Universale, one can find a list of the great master’s accounts, written in precise and accurate calligraphy.

Digitization is a valuable tool for the protection of art. During the photographic campaign, the drawings were handled carefully with nitrile gloves so as not to damage the paper material.

For the use and valorization of these wonderful and exciting drawings, we have developed an ArtCentrica Ad Hoc project, customized for the Fondazione Casa Buonarroti through the ArtCentrica platform.

Here is the article Firenze, Casa Buonarroti mette online il catalogo dei disegni di Michelangelo by Finestre sull’Arte.

We are proud of this project, also thinking of future generations who, in this way, will be able to enjoy the “man che ubbidisce all’intelletto” of Buonarroti.

We sincerely thank Casa Buonarroti for welcoming us into their spaces; our thanks also go to the Fondazione CR Firenze, whose contribution made the project possible together with Friends of Florence.

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#ArteAccessibile #CulturaDigitale #CasaBuonarroti #EducazioneArtistica #TecnologiaPerLArte #Disegni #MichelangeloBuonarroti
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